Viewing .DOC Files

In order to exchange word processing documents with the "rest of the world", I chose to use a file format that is fairly standard and in common use - Microsoft Word for Windows 95 Version 7.0. These documents can be downloaded and / or viewed if your web browser is appropriately configured and you have this word processing software (MS Word V7.0) on your system. The file extension for these documents is ".DOC".

If you are using a word processor other than MS Word V7.0, you have a couple of options:

  1. You can send me an e-mail message at:, let me know what word processor you are using, and I will try to convert it to that format and send the documents to you. One thing that I have found is that the tab positions don't always convert properly and this can make certain documents difficult to read.
  2. There are some utilities that can convert MS Word V7.0 documents to other formats. See Microsoft's web page entitled Converters for Word for Windows 95.
I actually use Lotus WordPro 97 Edition for Windows 95 as my word processor of choice, and then convert the documents to MS Word V7.0. If you are a user of Lotus WordPro or AmiPro, then you're in luck. I can send you the documents in that format and they'll look great.

To view the .DOC files directly from your web browser, you may have to configure the browser to tell it how to handle these files. For example, when using NetScape Navigator V3.0, select "Options - General Preferences" and choose the "Helper" tab. Scroll down until you find the entry with the file type "application/msword". Change the settings to "Launch the Application" WINWORD.EXE in the appropriate path on your system. This will allow you to click on the link in my web page and view the document without having to exit from your web browser. You can then save it or print it, as you wish. 

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Last updated on 29 March 1998 at 9:45 p.m..